7 Twitter Risky Habits – You Should Avoid

We always try to cover as much things as we can in short period of time, because of competition. Same happen with social networking sites we have lot of choices or platforms sites and we want our profile should we maintained on all of them which force us to use different applications as per need. And it composes our profile as a spammer in online world. Twitter is amazing networking tool, way to find new customers, keep in touch with existing customers, keep an eye on the competition, network with others in your field, and find out what your customers are saying about them.

Twitter Spam Habits

With that it’s a simple application that’s easy to learn, yet it has a huge number of apps that can be added to expand its functionality. There are hundreds of ways to build your control on Twitter and contribute positively to the social world. Many freelancers use bad habits on Twitter simply because they haven’t taken the time to think about how they use this tool. Twitter is showing your public profile, so if you take risk it will hurt your good name forever.

Here seven Twitter habits I compiled of as per webmaster and marketing experts advices:

  1. Spam Characters: The spammer tweet will has nothing to do with any discussion, and they are following no one and have no followers.  Purpose is to call attention to a useful article, interesting reference or to express thanks @your-twittername. To get rid use Tweet deck.
  2. Tweets in Bulk: User retweets just to get attention. Blasting out a series of tweets at one time to fills up the Twitter home page or increases the at least allow a few minutes in between each tweet, so that other people can get a word in edgewise.
  3. Direct Messages to sell a product: DM send to force people to see something stride through it’s like getting spam in the inbox.
  4. Auto Responders: DM is a good idea, but it completely loses its authenticity when it’s automated. No one can be on Twitter 24/7, so some scheduling of tweets is necessary. But so much or too automated may be creating the impression that you aren’t interested in connecting with others and its spam. Same for the follow also following everyone to auto-follow everyone that follows you, but this does little more than open you up to phishing scams, spam followers.
  5. Stinking language: Word gets around quickly. You can be comfortable swearing in front of your close buddies, you probably really don’t know your Twitter community beware that you say nice things about nice people, say nothing about less- than-nice people. Beware.
  6. Wrong use of tags: Hash tags are way of classifies tweets around a single topic. But adding multiple generic tags to the end of your tweet is not one spam. Rather it highlights you as a newbie use.
  7. Talking about self: Twitter is a successful conversations tool typically gives and takes interactions. Too many users are just there to promote their own interests only.

Share your Twitter bad habits in the comments here.


This is Sujata. I'm an email marketing expert and writer, editor for eMarketinGuide. Love to write for social media, blogging and email marketing. You can find me on @Twitter and on Pinterest.

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