An SEO Quick Fix Will Kill Your Website

We have all seen the guarantees given the companies proclaiming themselves to be the masters of search engine optimization (SEO).

This is what some of them look like.

  • “Your site optimized and #1 in Google in ONE WEEK!”
  • “Instant traffic increases as instant SEO tools kick in”
  • “Full optimization – Never worry about SEO again”

There is many more, buy viagra and we are sure you have seen dozens of them yourself.

All of these look to appeal to the small business owner or webmaster who wants to see instant improvements in their search rankings.

Search Frustrations:
A winning SEO campaign can be a nuisance to put together. Many question the worth of SEO, cheap especially as it is a technique requiring time to see results. Back in the day, a business would put an advert in the newspaper or drop a leaflet through the door, and within hours, customers are flocking to buy their latest offers.

In the context of bigger businesses, finance executives are signing off budgets for investment in SEO, and the marketing people are facing pressure because the results are not instantly obvious.

What happens next? Despite claiming to know everything we have covered, these people turn to the ‘dark side,’ and begin to look for quicker ways to the top end of page one.

Taking a Search Shortcut:
Unless a business is going to dive into some black hat SEO techniques, try and cash in for a short time while it goes unnoticed, and then accept the consequences later, then there is no such thing as taking a search shortcut.

You simply cannot do it, unless you are searching for an even quicker route to search oblivion, where you may not rank at all.

Taking on Google:
Look, various estimates put the number of factors in Google’s ranking algorithm to be at least 200. Within these, at least 400 small tweaks and changes happen on an annual basis that we do not get any forewarning or information about, as we do with Penguin or Panda, for example.

Can you second-guess Google’s algorithm? No.

Should you spend time learning that for yourself? No.

At the end of the day, the only way to be successful at search is by putting a lot of time and effort into your campaign. We are talking months and years, not a week or two.

A quick fix may sound effective and an attractive idea, but in time, it will kill your site. What should you be doing instead?

Tools to do the Job:
Google and the other search engines are not exactly secretive about what they look for when ranking websites. You can find SEO webmaster tools, analytics software, and everything else either free or at a very low cost, considering what the outcome will be.

Not only that, but there are hundreds of search professionals online sharing their own ideas and blogs on a daily basis who can help you to hit the heights you want to. Search takes time. Give it the time it needs, and you will reap rewards.

This post was written by Robert at Bright Local who specialise in Local SEO and provide the best seo tools.


This is Sujata. I'm an email marketing expert and writer, editor for eMarketinGuide. Love to write for social media, blogging and email marketing. You can find me on @Twitter and on Pinterest.

One Response to “An SEO Quick Fix Will Kill Your Website”

  1. <path_to_url> Arsie Organo Jr

    I agree. If you are serious with your business, especially online marketing, you should not dive into quick fix or shortcuts. One must learn to be patient and more hard work.

    We must find the correct tools and monitor your site regularly.

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