You could find a wide range of modern technologies emerging out with the ongoing advancement and development that help you to collect information and data and study them. Hence, lately the data visualization services have become very popular among the modern day people. This helps them to display their data in elegant and lucid fashion rather than representing them in a monotonous way using excel sheets. The data visualization tools help you in showcasing the data in much more presentable manner. Even the complex array of data could be presented in an interactive fashion seeking the help of these tools. Continue Reading >>
Topic: Social Media Tips
Social media optimization and marketing tips and tricks.
Custom URLs for Verified Google+ Profile & Pages 2
Google just enabled custom URL’s for Google Plus profile & pages. Custom Google+ page addresses were moved out like Britney Spears her Google+ page custom URL. See here:
Limited number of profiles included by Google are the footballer David Beckham, actor Hugh Jackman, singer Britney Spears, and Japanese car maker Toyota, It’s not clear yet how Google is choosing who is “verified” and who isn’t.
Google+ is planning to offer custom URLs to more Google+ users eventually, but not clear up till now. You’ll be able to make a similar change to your own Google+ URL, too, which will Continue Reading >>
Facebook Sharing User Stories Through New Portal 1
Taking into consideration how social networking has gained significant reputation in building a brand, Facebook has converted its social Facebook Stories app to a full-fledged website. Based on a monthly theme, will put up videos and stories of how FB has made a difference in people’s lives.

Social networking is regarding connecting with your old friends, network or circle, irrespective of where they might be. In a proposal to bring back that human touch on Facebook, the first video story on the theme remembering is that of 29-year-old Mayank Sharma from Delhi, who has been using the social Continue Reading >>
7 Twitter Risky Habits – You Should Avoid 0
We always try to cover as much things as we can in short period of time, because of competition. Same happen with social networking sites we have lot of choices or platforms sites and we want our profile should we maintained on all of them which force us to use different applications as per need. And it composes our profile as a spammer in online world. Twitter is amazing networking tool, way to find new customers, keep in touch with existing customers, keep an eye on the competition, network with others in your field, and find out what your customers Continue Reading >>
Top Ways to Increase Your Business in Pinterest 1
Pinterest holds huge potential of driving traffic to the websites and it has proved it in January by driving more referral traffic than Twitter which is among top 10 most visited websites. Here are some proven ways to attract the attention of people, no rx improve your click-throughs, buy viagra and spread the word about a new product:
- Spend the time – Like any social network, and maybe even more with this demographic, requires an investment in time. One key is to build relationships with those who are known for quality “pins” at the site. Once these movers and
Google+ New Feature “Search By Location” 0
Interesting News: Google+ is growing into a most competitive industry in today’s digital world with reliable platform in competition with Facebook, discount Twitter and LinkedIn.
One of the most interesting new features initiated, a holiday inspired endeavor that aims to deliver Google+ updates on a daily basis to come out of the facility to perform “searches by location”, like Google place where you can filter your searches by a zip code or city.
Benefit To:
Better for local businesses or marketers who use Google+ to increase visibility and exposure in their local appearance. This is a effective and Continue Reading >>
Google+ Business Pages Features & Overview 7
Google+ launched “Pages” for business and brands after originally announcing its Google+ social network in June that only allowed personal profiles.
Google+ even has also removed some of the brands that set up accounts using the personal profile. Some businesses were allowed to stay for testing purposes including the Ford Motor company.
Here are some of the major features of new Google+ “Pages”:
1. Allow Local Businesses to Create a Page – This enables customers to easily connect with the business’s physical location and include a map, address and phone numbers.
2. Google+ Pages includes Circles – The default circles Continue Reading >>
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