Topic: Digital Media Marketing

Advantages of Business and Personal Blogging 2

Weblogs, or simply blogs, ed originally got their start as a platform designed for personal expression. Typically used as an online journal, or a way to let others know what was going inside the individual’s mind, it quickly emerged as one of the most powerful informational tools on the Internet. Today, a blog stands at the pinnacle of a specialized industry, and is recognized as an implement for businesses and individuals to establish, develop and enhance their online presence.


Business Blogging:

Nearly every business around the world can use the progressive leveraging power of blogging to enhance their company’s Continue Reading >>

13 Tips to Turn Your Business Blog into A Success 3

eMarketinGuide Blog

You have set up a Blog for your business. What is new about that? Why will anyone be interested to read about your business? Why’ll any of the web users follow your blog regularly? You’ll have to provide the reasons to them, so that they flock around your blog. You have to make your blog so interesting, that once a visitor reads any of your blog post, he’ll return back again to find what you have to say on a new topic.

Blogs have been recognized as a marketing tool for businesses, since a long time. If you intend to Continue Reading >>

Mass Email Marketing Spam Mistakes – Must Read 3

Email Marketing Campaign

There are very few worse things that a SEO specialist can do to simultaneously ruin their reputation and their business than engaging in unscrupulous and indecorous online communication activity. Some of SEO email marketers out there are making the deadly error of deciding to “bend the rules” by trying on the ebony Stetson.

Sneaking in permission-granting on unrelated forms in 5 point type, or even the seemingly innocent “I have their business card, that means they want my newsletter” ploys are to be avoided just as much as the following suicidal tactics.

Don’t even think of Craigslist

Craigslist is such Continue Reading >>

Videos – Must for E-commerce Industry 1

Probably, medical this is my last post of 2010 and also the final post about 2011 best marketing predictions practices. This post is about videos, which really helps almost every product or services in the industry. The only goal behind marketing or business development is to increase the sales and video is the best way, which really helps to boost the sales figures.

Video Snapshot

I’m a big fan of reelseo and I also read their articles. Last year, they predict the video marketing and everyone can see the reaction. Now, they’re predicting video importance for each retailer in 2011. Here Continue Reading >>

Upcoming Digital Advertising Trends in 2011 3

Upcoming Digital Advertising Trends

As at the end of every year, we and everyone predict about upcoming trends in the next year so we (Online Marketers) do the same thing.

In the latest Mashable post, I’ve seen the “Predictions for Digital Advertising in 2011“. I’m somewhat agree to the upcoming predictions, i.e.:

  • Local Search Marketing (Specially the Google, Yahoo & Bing Places)
  • Facebook & Twitter
  • Celebrities Presence on the Social Web
  • Mobile Application
  • & Facebook Like Button.

But what about the videos? We all know the power of videos and they’re the great source of converting these ads into leads Continue Reading >>

Why Local Search Marketing is Getting More Importance 15

From last few months, I was experimenting on local search marketing and finally after a lot of research and education, I believe the power of it and I’m sure you’ll also believe it. Here, I’m sharing my experience with you.

What is Local Search Marketing – Local search is one of the most potential and least understood digital marketing strategy, even though it’s one of the most cost effective and upcoming digital marketing trend.

Local Search Marketing Snapshot

The above search result page is showing total 12 results on Google’s 1st page:

  • First 7 results are the local search results
  • Rest 5 are
Continue Reading >>

10 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Sales 19

Email marketing campaigns are a fast, efficient and affordable way to stay in contact with past clients, garner new sales and promote your business. Starting an effective email marketing campaign is easy with a few tested strategies that can open up a whole new base of clientele.

And email marketing is by far the BEST and CHEAPEST way to stay in touch with your customers and build rock-solid relationships with them — so they’ll buy from you again and again! (This is called the “lifetime value” of your customers, and it’s extremely profitable.)

Consider this: About 99% of Continue Reading >>