Pinterest holds huge potential of driving traffic to the websites and it has proved it in January by driving more referral traffic than Twitter which is among top 10 most visited websites. Here are some proven ways to attract the attention of people, no rx improve your click-throughs, buy viagra and spread the word about a new product:
- Spend the time – Like any social network, and maybe even more with this demographic, requires an investment in time. One key is to build relationships with those who are known for quality “pins” at the site. Once these movers and shakers get to know you and your business, they will be more likely to post about your product. focus on the users who get the most likes and repins.
- Keep it simple – The main appeal of Pinterest is that the site is exceptionally easy to use. Everyone has a “board” where they pin images that are all the same size. Each pinned photo includes one link back to her site (you click once to see the pin page, and again to see the source site). Through the social media efforts 75% increase in traffic, with Pinterest generating most of that.
- Make sure your business is a match – This tip might seem obvious, but Pinterest caters to those looking for recipes, room decor, and do-it-yourself crafts. If your company sells power sanders, you might not be a good fit. It will able to use Pinterest to connect with the perfect demographic: independent fashion designers.
- Launch a daily pin theme – The daily themed pins usually lead to repeat visitors. You can also posts a weekly custom-designed t-shirt, which is often re-pinned by other Pinterest users. Bonus: They come back often looking for the new one.
- Promote more than products – The temptation for any business is to post pins only for products you sell. One key is to post interesting news tidbits, tips, and products from other companies. Pinterest users are savvy in spotting a board that is too self-serving and only posts product photos.
- Use Infographics or Big Pictures – Infographics and big images attract more click-throughs because they’re unreadable from the Pinterest site.
- Follow the big hitter – One of the best ways to raise awareness about your company is to start following the big names on Pinterest. This is the proven method on Twitter: When you follow popular figures, and they follow you back, other Twitter users get the message and follow the leader. It’s important to find out who is “pinning” your products and to follow them to see if they follow you back.
- Create Interesting Boards – Create official board that tells the story of your company and communicates about it. Make this board available to people as part of your sales process. Highlight your company’s team members in this board and add assign them as contributors so that they can add/share pins.
- Follow Pinterest Trends – Click “Popular” link on your Pinterest home page to watch what’s popular among other pinners. You can integrate these trends to design your strategy.
- <meta name=”pinterest” content=”nopin” /> – If you want to protect your own images you just need to add the following code to your <head> section of your web pages.
Great post. Pinterst is growing fast and these tips you posted here are good for anyone interested in getting started.