How Do I Get Twitter Followers

Twitter Tips and Free GuideMy last post was about “How to Create a Facebook FanPage” and now, it’s time to write about a strategy to attract twitter followers. Get thousands of Twitter followers quickly everyday and increase your Twitter influence. Twitter is an incredible way to get traffic to your site(s), network, stay in contact with your friends and family by creating new friends.

Twitter a place, you go to entertain yourself and to be entertained by those who follow. You can have all the credit and benefits of more Twitter Followers without having to pay someone else, and without having to give up your login and password to a third party. With quantity of followers throw out, focus instead on quality – attracting and keeping those who find some tiny measure of joy in every-so-often 140 characters of wreckage.

Be ready to follow these twitter tips:

  1. The most easy way to get twitter followers is to simply follow others! Seems simple, yet not many people are doing it. All you do is search Twitter for the “gurus” in your niche, and follow the people that are following them. You will find the bulk of your target market, to follow their followers.
  2. Get great stories from other people and share them with a link & attribution.
  3. Push your followers to retweet your links by briefing it. Retweeting pushes your @username into foreign social graphs, resulting in clicks back to your profile. Track your retweets using retweetist.
  4. Follow 1000 Twitter users, how many do you think will follow back – 60%, maybe 40%, or maybe even lesser at 20% you say. Means if you start to follow 1000 new people, at least 200 will follow you back – and if you keep on doing that on a consistent basis you can have thousands of Twitter followers for free!
  5. Your bio should display on Twitter’s Suggested Users page. Leaving it blank or non-descriptive doesn’t encourage people to add you. Your latest tweets and @replies don’t mean much to someone that doesn’t know you.
  6. Include a link to Twitter in all email signature, Digg, LinkedIn, Facebook, blog, send out to your list. At the end of the email, just say “Follow me on Twitter” with your link, everywhere else you live online
  7. Managed to get on the Twitter suggested users list by hook or crook, you would never have to look for twitter followers ever again. You will gain twitter followers at the rate of thousands per day!
  8. Participate in online events that use #hashtags memes, lists the hot ‘trending topics. And jump in on the conversation.
  9. Pictures are heavily retweeted spread around. Use iPhone apps for mobile pic such as Tweetie or Twitterific, which support you in uploading.
  10. Respond to OTHER PEOPLE using the @reply method. Don’t overtweet (more than 20 a day to most people)
  11. There are many popular Twitter lists & top twitter users. Watch what they tweet out there in different niches, try to get on them and become famous. Get your name listed in the Times 50 most popular Twitter celebrities, to get a few thousand audiences at once.
  12. Use Twitter Search ( to find people talking about the things YOU talk about, and follow them!
  13. Start a contest. say I will give one $200 Amazon gift certificate offered if he reached the #1 most followed spot one would not mind following one more person. And add thousands of followers…brilliant.
  14. Track your results. TwitterCounter will show you how many new users you’re adding per day and Qwitter will email you when someone unfollows you after a tweet.

How many followers do you have now? I am sure these Twitter tips will help you gain Twitter followers easily and follow me on Twitter (@ankushkohli) to keep getting such tips.

4 Responses to “How Do I Get Twitter Followers”

  1. <path_to_url> Hamidou

    You can also show your latest tweet inside your email signature; everytime you update your tweet, your twitfooter signature will automatically be updated too – you can try it at

  2. <path_to_url> thomas

    Social networking sites really made this world smaller..:)

  3. <path_to_url> Matt

    Thanks for this great list. I find that using the search function is a good way to find people to follow. And as you say, a fair proportion will follow you back.

    I read somewhere that Twitter is being increasingly used as a search engine like Google. And no wonder.

    Just like with that search engine, you’ll find the best keyword combinations to give you what you need. It’s just a matter of playing around with them a bit to find what they are.

  4. <path_to_url> Halberstam

    I have been following your blog for 3 days now and I should say I am beginning to like your posts. How do I subscribe to your blog?

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